domingo, mayo 19, 2024
Distinguished news

In Guanajuato, the Municipal Women’s Institute of León will provide assistance during vacations / @AleGutierrez_mx @municipio_leon >>>

#León, #Gto.- During the holiday period, services at the Municipal Institute of Women (IMMujeres) will continue on a regular basis, in order to provide comprehensive and specialized advice and support to those who require the service.

The Director of the paramunicipal, Mónica Maciel Méndez Morales pointed out that as part of the new 24/7 government and attending to the needs of León’s women, the service is guaranteed during the Christmas season from the areas of social, legal, psychological and labor work.

She said that in addition, the administrative areas will also continue to be staffed so that everything operates on a regular basis.

«Violence against women has no timetable, in that sense, we have to continue providing various alternatives that contribute to women having legal and psychological tools, so that care and accompaniment services continue on a daily basis.»

In the facilities of Avenida Olímpica 1603 col. Agua Azul the service is provided from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 16:00 hrs the telephone number is 477 7 12 29 29, in the same way in the facilities of the Candelaria Unit located in colonia Sánchez 603 col. Candelaria tel. 477 560 76 46.

In the case of the Unidad Mujer a Salvo (Women Safe Unit) located in the backyard of the presidency, the service will continue 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in this space specialized personnel identify the needs of women in each of the cases to immediately activate the protocol of care.

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